Qinyu Chen

develop, create, inspire

About Me

Hello, I am Qinyu Chen and I am studying Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. I am an aspiring Front-end developer who likes to make web applications that are functional and beautiful.

I find it fascinating to experiment with the magic of web technologies and explore the seemingly infinite of possibilities what the web has to offer.

Qinyu Chen's bitmoji
Qinyu Chen's bitmoji

My Work

QC Boba

A functional prototype of an online ordering system for a fake business named QC Boba
Made with React

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Dsiplay the most recent updates from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day archive by integrating NASA's APOD API
Technologies used: React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

View Demo

Online Drawing Tool

a web-based drawing tool that allows users to change background and stroke color as well as to save and download their work!
Note: this project has not been published yet since I am still working on it. Feel Free to watch the demo video!

Work in process...